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Job Seekers (Candidates) can sign up immediately with valid email.

become a registered employer

This website is a free service for members of NNM-WIN® and Northern New Mexico Builders Association®
Follow these easy steps to register and start posting jobs and accepting digital applications and resumes.

Become a member of NNM-WIN®

Join the Northern New Mexico Workforce Integration Network®. You DO NOT have to join if you are a member of NNMBA®, but you should consider it. Click here to join and gain "Employer" access to this site.

Or... become a member of NNMBA®

The Northern New Mexico Builders Association® is partnered as well. We recommend you join both organizations, but joining either one will work. Click here to join and gain "Employer" access to this site.

Then sign up here

Click here and choose "Employer" on the sign-up form to create an account. Within 24 hours you'll be able to start posting jobs and accepting applications.